Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Plan B

Oh, the joys of technology. 
We (the chorus teacher and I) do not have our classrooms for the next two days due to a middle school band festival.  It happens every year and gives my students a chance to research different aspects of theatre and dance instead of creating/performing.  I very much dislike report- reading them, grading them- UGH!  I have a very soft spot of compassion for all the English or History teachers that grade report after report-bless you!
I really enjoy www.glogster.com
Their theme is "poster yourself".  It allows students to interactive collages that can be emailed. Way cooler than a book report!  One problem- after using glogster for the past 2 years about 2-3 times a year, the site is now blocked by the county.  BOO.  I'm getting it unblocked tomorrow after stating my case, but what to do today?

Time for Plan B (so glad my improv skills in college are paying off!)
Today's assignment: Dance- research the style of dance, making a works cited page for cites used.
Musical: www.voki.com
Students can create an avatar based on their character and type in lines for the avatar to say.
Tech: Lesson as planned.

What's your "plan b" (or c or d) when a lesson falls apart?